Volunteer on a Team


Program Leadership Teams

Our Program Leadership Teams serve our teens on Tuesday and Thursday nights at Group, Real Talk and other Quincy Events. See our Quincy Program page for more information on what these nights look like.

Quincy Program —>

Click the link below for a Program Leader position description.

Mentorship Teams

Our Mentorship Teams serve our teens outside of program nights, planning activities and spending one on one time with them. We want every one of our students to have a Mentor that will walk alongside them through high school and beyond. See our Mentoring page for more information on what this program looks like.

Mentoring —>

This is a new branch of the Quincy House that we are excited to develop. We are looking for Mentors who are willing to come beside our senior students this school year to guide them through our All-In program. Click the link below for a Mentor position description.

Development Teams

Our Development Teams focus on developing students to be successful academically, in their careers as well as in life. Development teams consist of Tutors and All-In Instructors.

Tutors lead homework help sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 - 6:00 before Quincy Program starts. We are always looking for people equipped to teach Math, Science, Social Studies or English. See our Tutoring page for more information on what these nights look like.

Tutoring —>

All-In Instructors are involved with our All-In Program and will help students with their transition out of high school. This includes counseling on money management, applications, ACT prep, the interview process and other life skills relevant to a senior in high school or a new graduate. We have our house open from 4:00 - 6:00 during the school year so students can consult with our instructors and get guidance on their next steps. See our All-In page for more information on what these nights look like.

All-In —>